Dedicated to Oklahoma’s music talent and enthusiasts.

Oklahoma Music Group is a booking agency in Tulsa, OK that provides high-level entertainment to help you celebrate at every opportunity.

A passion for outstanding entertainment

Our roster of talented musicians provides bespoke entertainment for anything from music festivals to private events.

Homegrown Artists

Support Oklahoma’s world-class musicians, and vibrant community of entertainers.

For Any Occasion

Create lasting memories for guests by including live music in your event.

Stage, Sound, and Lighting

Production vendors with flexible pricing for stage, sound, and lighting.

Accomplished Musicians

Our roster of musicians is quality-controlled to ensure customer satisfaction.


We are happy to help you workshop event details, timeline, and select vendors.


Forming lasting partnerships in our community between musicians and music-lovers.

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Meet Founder, Greg Fallis

Greg has experience working with diverse clientele, ranging from event planners, to festival promoters, to independent music enthusiasts.

Let’s get in touch!

  • Founder, King Cabbage Brass Band
  • Wide network of trusted entertainers
  • Tulsa-Native Music Educator

Greg went above and beyond to make our vision happen.

Alayna Perrault

Wedding Planner